Movie Quotes for Dazed and Confused (1993)

Wooderson: The older you get the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow.
You just gotta keep on livin man! L-I-V-I-N!
Slater: Didja ever look at a dollar bill man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there.
And it's green too!
Freshman Girl: Will you marry me?
Dawson: I don't know. What's in it for me?
Freshman Girl: Anything you want?
Dawson: Anything?
Freshman Girl: Anything.
Dawson: Go like this. Do you spit or swallow?
Freshman Girl: Whatever you like.
Dawson: Whatever I like? I would definitely marry you!
Wooderson: Say, man, you got a joint?
Mitch: No, not on me man.
Wooderson: It'd be a lot cooler if you diid.
Wooderson: That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age.
Tony: So there I am, getting it on with this perfect female body and...
Mike: What?
Tony: I can't, I'm too embarrassed.
Mike: No, you can't give a set up like that and not follow it through.
Tony: Well, it had the head of Abraham Lincoln. Top hat, beard, everything.